Illumine Game Recap
Clue 16 Solution: Fact Search
This was a simple scavenger hunt for facts around the store. The answers to the
questions were as follows:
- Fishin' rule number 1. - Stretch the truth
- Name of recliner showroom (according to the pilot) - Riverside
- Pinball game by the mattreses - Quick Draw
- Railroad of green Mikado locomotive #4501 - Southern
- What Clint is riding on - Wagon
- On the tail of the plane - Breezy
- Name of the men's room rooster. - Studley
- Youth furniture area - Kids Place
- According to Clint and Dolly how many showrooms are ahead? - Five
- On Mailbox outside youth area - Grout 1118
- Old Cannery Farmers - Freeman and May
- Fishing, if it was easy it would be called ... - Catching
- The graduate of Train State U. - Warren Cable
- Name of the old cannery train engineer - Dave
- One of the Hen's outside the ladies room - Scarlet
- Who owns the Saloon in the youth area train set - Kate
The circled letters on the completed sheet spell the answer - Richard
Lionheart. After returning to Linda and providing the answer, teams
were given their next clue.