Weave Got Friends, I Guess
Bridgette Kuehn
Partial Answers
WITHFRIENDSLIKETHESEWHONEEDSBEADS: That loose strand sure doesn't need any.
GC Notes:
GC to update day-of-game.
They get a 35 strands of beaded bracelets and one completed bracelet.
The main bracelet that comes put together hints four things:
They are making bracelets
The bracelets are 5 strands each
The anchors on the bracelet help hint naval flags (if the colors of the strands didn't tip them off)
The "random" jumble of letters BNEAJZO (meaning FRIENDS) are a key for shifting letters
Really the next thing they need to do is put together 7 bracelets with 5 strands each using the 35 strands. There's no trick to this, they just have to do it. Each center strand of the bracelet has a number of black single beads at the beginning and ending. That number of black beads represents the number bracelet they are on.
After they put them together, they'll get a jumble of naval flags that don't mean anything. They should shift everything by 4 as hinted here. They get this:
Bracelet | Naval Flags | Naval Flags Shifted |
1 | SEPD | WITH |
3 | HEGA | LIKE |
5 | SDK | WHO |
After this they should assume they don't need beads anymore, or should get rid of them. If they enter in the partial they get "That loose strand doesn't need any." If they tug on the main bracelet strands, one is loose and when pulled through there is morse on the string. The morse is read BESTIES.
Trouble building the bracelet:
Don't realize that they are building 7 bracelets - maybe have them count rows in first bracelet and total number of strands to see that 35 is divisible by 5
Best way to build is by laying out all the bracelets with black beads on the ends. They should try and build around those
Trouble reading the flags:
- Point them to the word scramble in original bracelet
Trouble understanding the final tug of the beads:
- You can tell them to tug on the strands of the main bracelet. This part should NOT be frustrating. If they are stuck enough to call then just tell them.
Changes Since Beta/RC:
List changes here so GC staff who played know what's new.