Safecracker Solution
The row of lights + symbols in the image above shows the overall puzzle status. At the beginning, the puzzle is in "training mode" (timer 00:00, first light flashing and all others off)- they can experiment with everything to get an idea of what's going on but don't actually make progress. Once someone presses the OPEN button, the timer on the image above starts counting down and they're playing "for real".
Each light represents one "module", a control or combination of controls on one of the player's panels. When the light is blinking, that module is available to be "solved", whatever that means for the particular module. Solving some modules requires communication.
When a module is solved, its light turns solid; when all lights are solid, the game proceeds to the next phase and one or more lights starts blinking. To add a little extra chaos, the second-to-last phase activates every module at once. The final light represents the button with the lock icon- when all other phases are complete, the lock icon switches to "unlocked", and pushing the button solves the puzzle.
Circle – the OPEN button (2)
- To solve: Push the button
Series of tally marks – the 8 switches and the display above it (starting at "00-00") (2)
Training mode: Toggling the switches changes the first two digits in the display to the hex representation of the switches.
To solve: When the module becomes active, the second two digits change to a random hex number from 00-FF. Toggling the switches to make both numbers match solves the module.
3x3 grid of circles – the 3x3 grid of buttons (1)
Training mode: This works likes a Lights Out grid; pressing a button toggles the blue state of that button and the ones orthogonally adjacent
To solve: When this becomes active, the pattern of buttons randomizes. (The pattern can always go to all off in two moves) Setting the buttons to all on or all off solves it.
Rectangle with lines on it – The QR code reader (3)
Training mode: Pressing the button asks for webcam access and enables/disables a QR code reader. Scanning the "Vault access keycard" in their physical items packet displays "Scan successful!" for a few seconds
To solve: Scan the card when the module is active.
- If a team is having problems with the QR code reader, suggest that they hold it at whatever distance the camera best focuses on it. If they still can't get it to work, or they don't have the cards for whatever reason, opening the casino via and going to the console will give you a button you can push to simulate the scan.
ABCD – The four buttons labeled A-D on one player's screen (4), and the "Active button: N/A" indicator on another player's screen (1)
- To solve: When the module becomes active, the "Active button" message changes to indicate a sequence of three A-D letters. Pressing the buttons in that sequence solves the module, but with each correct press the labels change. (ABCD -> DCBA -> BADC)
Crossed arrows: The four buttons arranged in a diamond on one player's screen (3), and the 5x5 grid of lights on another player's screen. (4)
Training mode: The buttons are in the shape of a compass rose. One light on the 5x5 grid is on, and pressing a button moves the turned-on light in the corresponding direction
To solve: When the module becomes active, one light starts flashing. Moving the solid light to the flashing light solves the module.
Lock icon: The lock button (2)
- To solve: When the module is active, push the button
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