Painted People's Pack Solution
The video shows a drum number from the show. Each of the drums will throw up a splash of paint with each beat. Players will need to record the color of each paint splash (subtitles are available for color confirmation/accessibility) as they watch the show.
Using the color mixing guide, teams can then extract the yellow, blue and red channels from the data to get 3 strings in binary (1 for color present, 0 for not). For example orange is a mixture of red and yellow so should be recorded as 1 for yellow, 1 for red and 0 for blue.
Color | Code |
Red | R |
Yellow | Y |
Blue | B |
Green | G |
Orange | O |
Purple | P |
Black | K |
White | W |
Color Stream |
Binary Data after separating color streams | Color |
10111010100011101110111000111010111010001011100011100010100011101110111000111010 | Red |
111011101110001010111010001010111010001010001011101000101010001110001110101010001011101010 | Yellow |
1010111000100011101110001011100011101000101010001010101000111011101110001011101110 | Blue |
Teams then use Morse code to convert each binary string to letters
Color | Letters |
Red | location |
Yellow | offirstbl |
Blue | uemanshow |
Combining the phrases gives "Location Of First Blueman Show" which can be googled to get the answer - Manhattan
Astor Place
Astor Place Theatre