Loading… Solution

Teams will go through a series of superlative-style questions such as "Which team member is most likely to blow their cover?" For each question, they must submit the name of one of their team members in the form on the page. Any submission that is not the name of one of the team members will not be accepted. There are also some custom questions based on team members' answers on their application. For those questions the only acceptable answer is the name of the specific team member the question applies to. For each valid answer that is submitted, the loading bar will progress one step, revealing a pigpen symbol that is one of the following colors: red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue, or purple.

For each question, the screen will look something like this:

Once all of the questions have been answered, they will see this final screen:

Teams should decrypt the pigpen to get the phrase "WCAPFOKHUSAUFIOTAILTSELLTAEYNSS". Teams should then sort the letters into groups based on the color of the line beneath the pigpen symbol to get "WHO SAYS CUTE AS A PAIL FULL OF KITTENS". From there, teams should discover that this phrase is said by a movie character named Pinky. Teams should then solve the Vigenère cipher using the provided key "IEFSF" (shown on the screen as "Allure Bay Casino Version Key") with the ciphertext "PINKY" to decrypt and get the solution "HEIST".
