Cornerstone of the Future Solution

How It Works

Teams must study the 4 completed "Planning Form: 5x5" pages provided in the "Previous Projects" folder in order to derive the rules guiding the 3 different figure types, then apply these rules to the other data sources provided to correctly fill out the 8x8 figures.

Finally, teams must use the completed planning forms, along with the remaining documents and the Kitsap County Parcel map to derive a parcel number for the "Future library"

Key things teams should observe from the 5x5 forms

Figure 1

  • Each grid square is enclosed by one and only one rectangle
  • The only rectangles used are those also appearing on the unlabeled page
  • Each rectangle encloses only one circle
  • The number inside of circle is the "Size" of the rectangle enclosing it (Size is the number of grid squares enclosed by the rectangle)

Figure 2

  • The number and position of the circles inside of the grid in Figure 2 is identical to the number and position of the circles in Figure 1
  • There is one additional circle outside of the grid, always labeled 25
  • The circles are all connected in a "directed tree" with the circle labeled 25 at the root
  • Connections along the tree are always perfectly horizontal or perfectly vertical (same row or column)
  • Connections never "skip" over circles, but may cross other connections.
  • Each circle in figure 2 contains one or more number, where at least one number matches the number contained within the same circle appearing in Figure 1
  • Circles with only incoming connections have one number, circles with one incoming and out outgoing connection have two numbers, circles with one incoming and two outgoing connections have 3 numbers

Figure 3

  • The number, size, and position of the rectangles in Figure 3 is the same as those in figure 1.
  • Each rectangle is colored Red, yellow, green, or blue
  • There is only ever one blue rectangle
  • No two rectangles of the same color may be adjacent

Planning Form 8x8, Part 1, Districting

Planning form 1 is a simple shikaku (or shikaku ni kire, or Divide by Squares) logic puzzle. Teams must first copy over the numbered circles from the unlabeled page to the grid and divide up the grid using the 5 rectangular shapes also featured on the unlabled page in accordance with the following rules (derived from the approved 5x5 forms):

  • Each square is enclosed by a larger rectangle
  • The only rectangles used are those also appearing on the unlabeled page
  • Each rectangle encloses only one circle
  • The number inside of circle is the "Size" of the rectangle enclosing it (Size is the number of squares enclosed by the rectangle)

Once the teams have completely sub-divided the 8x8 grid, they may (optionally) submit that part of the form to the Foreman for approval (partial solve).

The completed Part1 form

Planning Form 8x8, Part 2, Power Distribution

Planning form 2 can be solved independent of Planning form 1, and consists of a novel (as far as I know) logic puzzle. Teams must again copy over the numbered circles form the unlabeled page to the grid. This time the team must construct a "Power distribution tree". The elements of this tree are enumerated in the Page labeled "Power distribution Stations", each "Station" is a circle, and the "outputs" listed in the table correspond to the numbers that must be drawn within the circle.

The "Power Distribution tree" must start with a new node placed outside the grid, and which must be labled with the number "64".

For each Circle (Power Distribution Station):

  • One of the numbers corresponds to the value of the same circle located in the same relative location in Figure 1
  • For each Outgoing connection, the circle will have another number, where that number is equal to the sum of all the numbers in the node it is connected too.

Once the teams have completely connected all of the stations, they may (optionally) submit that part of the form to the Foreman for approval (partial solve).

The completed Part 2 form

Planning Form 8x8, Part 3, Zoning

Planning for 3 can only be solved AFTER forms 1 and 2 have been solved!

Figure 3 is a 4-color/map coloration problem.

Teams must first copy over the rectangles used to sub-divide the grid in Figure 1. Next teams can identify the color of 4 of the rectangles by using the "Invoice" form to identify the colors of 4 of the Power Distribution stations located in Figure 2 (color to zoning type mapping is provided on the unlabeled page).

Once the 4 rectangles have been colored, teams must find a solution to the map coloration problem which only uses one blue rectangle (only one such solution should exist with the 4 given rectangles!)

The completed Part3 form

Putting it all together, and finding the Parcel ID

Based on the Library Excavation Request form, teams will know that the library is in the center of the civic center (the blue rectangle located in Part 3, Zoning). Using the "Excavation Work Authorization Form" for a "Power Distribution Station", teams can figure out that a circle whose values sum to 14 is located in the parcel with the ID "T25N-R1E-30".

The map notation works as follows: The first string represetns an east-west map region, the second string represents a north-west map region, and the final integer represnts the parcel within the intersection of those two regions. It is worth noting that there are multiple parcels labeled with the number 30, which is why the east-west and north-south regions are important. The actual parcel lines don't quite line up perfectly, so the teams will need to be careful when figuring out exactly what region a parcel belongs to.

Only one circle has that sum, and using it's position relative to the center of the Civic center, the teams can derive the parcel ID of the library.

The correct parcel ID for the library is "T24N-R1W-1"

The end Game

Once all of the forms are complete, teams can submit them to the Foreman. If correct, the Foreman will give them exact directions to a location within the parcel identified, along with instructions on where to dig. Teams must then navigate to that location, and find the appropriate dig-spot. Excavating that spot yields the solution and lead to next puzzle.

Foreman's map

Once there it is important that the teams park in the designated area and walk to the worksite (the roads are a bit tricky!) There should be people on-site handing them shovles and making sure they park in the right area.

Once the teams find the work site (designated by one of those bright orange safety fences), they should find the ground-flag with their team name, and dig there! (There should be a string tied between the bottom of the flag and the brick. The brick should be buried in a plastic bag approximatly 6 inches beneath the surfice.


OBTAINIUM, which is printed on the brick.

Design Notes

Puzzle inspiration came from the stupid "Stark Expo" twist form Iron man 2 (And also from venture brothers).

Origionally, the layout of "New Silverdale" was going to be based on molecular geometry... Eventually I was talked down to a more sim-city approach.

Once I found the 2010 Kitsap County Parcel map I new I had to incorporate it into the puzzle. It looked perfect, and the parcel ID system was basically a puzzle on it's own. Approximately a month before game, they updated the map with a 2011 version that made the parcel ID system a lot easier. I might have been more forgiving to use the new map, especially since there were several teams that had issues with the parcel lines not matching the map region lines...

Locating the tree farm was a matter of looking at the Kitsap county property tax records for the parcel that the puzzle solved to at the time, and cold-calling the one that looked most interesting, which ended up being Hubert's Christmas tree farm. The owner and groundskeeper both were exceptionally willing to accomodate us!

Construction Notes

If the bricks were made of unobtainium, team would never have been able to find them.

The reason the flags and bricks were tied together was to prevent teams from either accidentally moving their flag and losing the location of the brick, or form maliciously moving other teams' flags. The downside was that you could actually just rip the bricks right out of the ground with the string.