$h!t Talkin' Solution

  • Teams start with 2 newspaper clippings in their inventory
    • A headline reading
    • An article reading
      • At least 12 local families are victims with the ranchers reporting the missing show animals over recent weeks. The horses were taken from both stables and pastures. If you have seen any suspicious activity there is a $100 reward for any new information reported to the investigators office.
  • They should see 5 different outhouses each with a different shape on the door
  • To start dialog with each outhouse they need to knock the number of points of the shape on the door
  • Each outhouse wants to know more about a specific headline, and has an article they are able to give
    • If the team shows them the wrong article, they give the headline they’re looking for as a way for teams to track
    • When they receive the article matching their headline, they give their article
  • Each given article contains one NATO letter, putting these in order based on the number of points on the outhouse that gave the article yields the answer: FLUSH




Presenting an article to an outhouse will remind them of which topic they're interested in.


Deploy instructions:

  1. Send them to this website: https://shittalkin.azurewebsites.net by pointing them to the Spiderdog page for the puzzle and tell them to click the link
  2. Explain that they all need to enter the exact same team name
  3. Explain the control scheme
    1. wasd to move
    2. q to open inventory
    3. e to knock (also note that you can knock multiple times by pressing the button multiple times
  4. It might be worth mentioning that the keyboard navigation in the inventory is broken so they'll need to click