Katakana Hexagons Solution

How It Works

Teams recognize that most hexagons have a Japanese Katakana character on them. The ultimate goal is to assemble the Hexagons into their original form, starting by arranging the cat head art (recognizable as Hello Kitty) to form the outline, then spelling out the answers to the crossword clues in English-ized Japanese to fill in the cat head.

The result looks like this:

The answers:

  • Cat Food = Cheeseburger (chi su bu ga ru)
  • Ikura = Salmon Egg (sa mo ne gu)
  • Rice Dish = Risotto (ri so to)
  • Roman Public Space = Forum (fo re mu)
  • Illicit Music Copy = Bootleg (bu to re gu)
  • July Birthstone = Ruby (ru bi)
  • Starbucks specialty = Mocha (mo ka)
  • Tuba relative = Sousaphone (su so fo ne)
  • Upbeat = Cheery (chi ri)
  • Weld = Fuse (fu sa)
  • Coal Miner's Alarm = Canary (ka ne re)
  • JR East Line from Tokyo to Choshi = Sobu (so bu)
  • Pokey's Friend = Gumby (gu mu bi)
  • Samuel L. Jackson's Greek party attire = Mo Fo Toga (mo fo to ga)
  • Yiffers = Furries (fu ri su)

Note the four characters that are not part of the main art - the four leftovers are "ha ba ne ro", which spells the final answer of habanero.



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