Flamingnomes Solution

How It Works

Teams stumble out into the dark field with flashlights and paper. There they find five lawn gnomes, five flamingos, and a whole bunch of rope lying on the ground. Each gnome has a name tag, which teams should notice has the same number of letters as ropes going away from the gnome. If they trace the ropes away from the gnomes, they find that some lead in loops back to the gnomes, others lead to flamingos, and some dead end. Teams should look at all of the 'letters' which end at flamingos. As an added note, some letters fork to multiple flamingos - this means that both flamingos receive that letter. These will anagram to SWITCH, AROUND, UNUSED, GNOME, LETTERS. This points them to the letters which loop back to the gnome or dead end. These letters anagram to the final solution.



Design Notes

The field

GC Notes

Two teams had trouble with their vans - one locked themselves out and another set off their alarm and couldn't figure out how to get in.