Internet Memes CD Solution

How It Works

Teams needed to fill in all of the quotes from the CD cover, each of which was taken from a different one of the Internet memes on the CD. The audio portion provided a clue for how to do this - though the quote wasn't part of the audio clip, the audio clip from each track was from the same meme as the quote. Once this was done, the length of each track was used to index into the quote.

Here is all of this data, listed per track (name of meme, full quote, length of track, resulting letter):

  1. Llama Song: "Is it made of lemon juice?" - 10 - F
  2. Badger: "Mushroom Mushroom" - 7 - O
  3. SNL Narnia: "True dat, Double True!" - 10 - U
  4. Bananaphone: "Cellular, Modular, Interactive-odular" - 8 - R
  5. Good to be in DC: "I go both ways in D.C." - 6 - T
  6. The Internet is for Porn: "You have no idea" - 4 - H
  7. Mahna Mahna: "The question is, who cares?" - 14 - W
  8. Numa Numa: "Hallo. Salut." - 5 - O
  9. This Land: "You're a right wing nut job." - 7 - R
  10. Star Wars Rap: "He will join us or die" - 15 - D
  11. Trogdor: "Check out all his majesty" - 6 - O
  12. Laid Off: "They're a bunch of filthy, scum, liars." - 14 - F
  13. Ultimate Showdown: "Godzilla took a bite out of Optimus Prime" - 9 - T
  14. Trevor: "Back back, back from his magical journey" - 17 - H
  15. Peanut Butter Jelly: "Peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat" - 11 - E
  16. Kenya: "Only in Kenya" - 8 - E
  17. End of the World: "WTF Mates?" - 4 - M
  18. O Holy Night: "Jesus was born, and so we get presents." - 10 - O
  19. She Bangs: "We're gonna rock this town alive." - 17 - S
  20. Picard Song: "There are four lights." - 10 - O
  21. All Your Base: "Main Screen Turn On" - 10 - N
  22. Gonads and Strife: "Hey, I gotta Knife" - 5 - G


Reading out each letter in turn, you get "Fourth word of the Emo Song", the last meme included on the data portion of the CD. Listening to that and picking out the fourth world yielded the answer, "apathetic".

Design Notes

This puzzle was originally seeded late in the design of last year's Game, when Jamie mentioned that he thought it would be fun to do a puzzle based on all of those "stupid Flash animations that everyone mails to each other." This ended up getting picked up by Nick and turned into a puzzle, the goal of which was not to be too difficult or painful, but just to give teams a chance to enjoy the memes themselves. Regardless of what various testers thought about the puzzle itself, the memes became a staff favorite, and were played endlessly at most of our staff meetings.